Dr. Jackson Varady, Psy.D.

Building Emotional Resilience

Dr. Varady will help you: Reduce Stress, Control Anger, Make Better Decisions, Cope with Difficult People, Develop a Positive Outlook , and Cultivate Harmony in your Relationships




Licensed Clinical Psychologist PSY25772

3101 Ocean Park Blvd. #301 Santa Monica,CA 90405  Phone: 310-213-4050 

                Strength + Flexibility = Resilence

                Strength + Flexibility = Resilence

If you’re struggling with a problem, and looking for help for yourself, or someone you care about, this is the right place to start.

Dr. Jackson Varady, is a licensed clinical psychologist, specializing in helping people improve the quality of their lives.

You might be a high powered professional, grappling with the demands of career and family, or a stressed  and frustrated parent, dealing with the challenge of a defiant child.  Perhaps you are an unhappy spouse suffering with a distant or critical partner, or a sensitive and withdrawn teenager, navigation the precarious path towards young adulthood. You may even be a seasoned adult, or a new college Freshman, struggling in the throes of anxiety or depression

In either case, whether it’s relationship issues, difficult feelings, worrying thoughts, anger management, unwanted behaviors, or even just searching for answers to some of life’s biggest questions, Dr. Varady can provide guidance, support, and wisdom towards building emotional resilience, and developing successful strategies towards obtainable goals.

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
— Albert Einstein
Top 10 Psychologists in Santa Monica
A Santa Monica winner of the Patients' Choice Awards in Psychology - Santa Monica, CA
Verified by Opencare.com
Resilience is not a commodity you are born with, waiting silently on tap. It is self-manufactured painstakingly over time by working through your problems and never giving up, even in the face of difficulty or failure
— Lorii Myers

Build your Emotional Resilience and discover strength, balance, & flexibility in the rest of your Life

Call : 310-213-4050 
